Wednesday, May 14, 2014

There are times when you just need a good cry... after internship.

May 14, 2014 - the day that I (we) have been waiting for since May 14, 2013. One year internship, one year hardship. 

I had a difficult time going to duty this morning, knowing that it was my last regular duty at the hospital. I've already planned the night before that I will be there early but then you already know what happened.

Some people say you should not look back and just move forward but it just hard not to think about who you were in a span of one year or maybe just six months before this day. I guess, looking back is what I will be doing for the next days on.

To my co-interns who is now reading this, what do you remember when you have known that you were assigned in that particular laboratory? As I can remember, I feel contended and happy and nervous about being there. But you have no choice:When life gives you lemons, better accept it. Who knows life won't give you anything next time.

And who would not love the excitement and anxiousness of a first day? I know you know this ones and you've been in this kind of situation since 1st grade. Who would I be grouped with? Will we work nicely as a team? Will they like me or hate me? Will I survive being with them for months? Will they last months being with me?

Well, I think the answer to all those questions is yes. I survived being with my groupmates and they lasted being with me. I liked being with them, and being with me? I hope so.

I had a difficult time going home from duty today.

I will definetely miss everybody in Sacred: the noise, the hospital smell, the vendomachines, the ramp, the elevator, the interns that turned to be my brothers and sisters from other parents, the staffs who welcomed me (us) just like I am (we are) part of their family, the doctors who have been our mentors, I will miss everyone who accepted me and laughed with me (because of my jokes, ha!).

I will miss waking up at seven in the morning and rush to my eight am duty. I will miss buying milk tea just before I go to the hospital at night. I will miss laughing with all of them people even though there are really toxic times when crying will never help. I will miss every single thing that I've been routinely doing for the last months.

This internship has made me experience many firsts in life. First overnight party (yes, we turn night duties into  parties),first time to see a dying man, first new year's eve without my family (aww), first time to eat free breakfasts and dinners, first birthday celebration away from home (since I never tried to celebrate my birthday at school), first time to be surprised with a birthday cake while you were sleeping, first time to see a ghost in white when you are alone.

As the night grows deeper, the more the date comes closer when there are officially new interns in the lab, meaning our time has already ended. 

And sadly life is just like that, sometimes you discover love and the love being there when it was supposed to be over, you will not know how it started but will just know when and how, when it will be about to come to an end. But then now that it's over, I would like to say that I am happy and will be thankful because unexpectedly, these things came and had happened. :)


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